On December 9, iconic designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee launched an exclusive collection of high jewellery at Printemps Doha, showcasing his signature opulent fusion style. The collection, which runs from December 10 to 14, features statement pieces such as a stunning necklace crafted in 18-carat gold with 24.99 carats of rubellite, sapphires, garnets, and EF VVS VS diamonds.
This pop-up marks Sabyasachi’s effort to engage with both non-resident Indians and locals in Doha, a region with a high concentration of affluent individuals. The designer’s global expansion continues, with a recent collaboration with Bergdorf Goodman in the US for a residency lasting until February 2025.
Sabyasachi’s fine jewellery line is also available at his flagship store in Hyderabad, which opened in January 2023, blending Indian antiques with a maximalist design to reflect the brand’s eclectic aesthetic.
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